Our Services
Aquatic & Terrestrial Flora & Fauna Surveys
Desktop/Database Searches and due diligence investigations
Targeted flora and fauna surveys
Threatened Species and Conservation Management Plans
Vegetation Quality Assessments (VQA)/Habitat Hectares and Reporting
Salvage Management Plans
Flora and Fauna GIS Mapping
Flora and Fauna Surveys using Drones
Water quality testing, surveys and reporting
Delivery of environmental toolboxes and inductions
Habitat assessments and management plans
Project Management and Auditing
Fauna Spotter / Catcher / Salvage
Fauna/Habitat inspection & surveys
Data/document management and reporting
Habitat translocation plans
Fauna monitoring and tracking
Habitat reuse and creation
Elevated platform rescue and retrieval
Chainsaw usage to maintain fauna in hollows during rescue
Thermal cameras and drones for fauna detection
Emergency contact information folders
Environmental Planning & Approvals
Local, State and Federal Planning Advice
EES, EIA Development and Reviews
EPBC and FFG Development and Approvals
Project Management
Planning representation
Environmental Offsets
Offset Management Plans
Offset sourcing and Credit Trading Negotiations/securing
Offset Planning and Approvals Advice and Reporting
Compliance obligations at Federal and State levels
Annual Monitoring & Reporting of Offset Sites
Habitat Creation and Monitoring
Fauna Habitat Creation and Installation
Nest box construction and erection
Fauna ladder installation
Erection of fauna cameras and monitoring
Habitat log and chainsaw hollow creation and erection
Data capture/cataloging of all assets
Habitat preservation and creation for threatened species
Timber reuse/selection for habitat creation
Fauna habitat surveys and planning
Landscape Plans and/reviews/advice
Environmental Community Engagement and Delivery
Community Engagement
Development of environmental community engagement programs
Community propagation and planting programs
Fauna monitoring programs
Nest box building programs
Community consultation representation for projects
Seed Collection, Processing, Storage and Plant Salvage
Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia (ISCA)
ISCA Assessments and Reporting eg ecology credits
ISCA data collection and reporting
ISCA evaluations and reviews for the construction industry
Arborist assessments and reporting
Hazardous tree assessments
Tree removal project management
GIS mapping
Habitat creation including chainsaw and log hollows creation/install
Tree protection zone Site auditing and reporting
Fauna and motion camera installation